Rebuilding Family Albums

Partnering with community groups and organizations to connect with families and children as they rebuild their lives. Portrait sessions offered a safe space for women and children to reclaim ownership of their stories, portray a positive self image and witness their own strengths from within. The portraits are imaged, printed and returned to the families.


"Mwen te rankontre yon fanm vanyan, yon fanmsaj, kap travay nan kominoté a jis deyò Jacmel, Ayiti. 

Camp Bwa Vital, Jacmel Haiti 2012


I was traveling throughout Haiti partnering with artists and grassroots organizations, and, documenting the work they do through portraiture. I was also traveling for a personal project where I was taking family portraits and then printing them out for the families to keep. This was a new kind of trip for me, a more comfortable collaboration between me, the photographer, and the subjects, to take a portrait that was for both of us.

L'Orphelinat Venez Enfants et Vivez Mieux — Carrefour, Haiti  January 2012