Finding Roots & Wings is a social organization devoted to developing international collaborations with displaced women as they rebuild their lives.

We are dedicated to encouraging a sense of community beyond language and cultural barriers and to utilize the healing nature of storytelling.


A story is a conduit for empathy, and empathy is the engine for change.


Alexandra Corazza - Founder, Director, Workshop Facilitator

Dedicated to lifting up stories and voices internationally. Alexandra is the founder of Finding Roots & Wings, facilitating multimedia and digital storytelling to bridge language and cultural barriers. Her freelance and consulting work are grounded in messaging through imagery that complements communication strategies. She is a photographer, designer and project development strategist and fundraiser. And, is a faculty member at College Unbound.

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Louise Elard

Curriculum, Communications + Strategy Advisor

Co-Workshop Facilitator in Kenya and Italy

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Padmini Devi -

Development and Educational Programing Strategy


Carol Pouget - Vies Parallèles

Programming Development and Co-Workshop Facilitator in Morocco


Megan Morrissey -

Communications and Outreach Advisor